Social media marketing is scattered in every corner of people’s daily lives. It is everywhere. There are more and more methods of social media marketing. How much do you know about marketing methods? FOMO has introduced to you the knowledge of integrated marketing new media marketing. Today FOMO will share with you three other marketing methods.
1. Content Marketing
In essence, it is a way of thinking that guides how to do marketing. It is a new idea of marketing innovation.
Content marketing requires companies to produce and use internal and external value content to attract the attention of specific audiences. The most important thing is “the active attention of a specific group of people,” that is, whether your content can bring its own appeal, let consumers come to you, rather than relying solely on pure media exposure. The so-called traditional marketing idea is “mass communication”, which is represented by large-scale single-item communication between brands and consumers, trying to capture consumers in a concentrated bombing manner.
In general, content marketing can be roughly divided into three directions by us:
BGC: Brand production content, with the in-house (internal) team as the core, to provide audience with product/brand/category-related information, the purpose is to make the brand an expert, confidant friend, and confidant in the minds of consumers.
PGC: Professional production of content. With the help of external content from agents or professional content parties, companies can provide brand-related consumption information, service consultation guides, and experience sharing pleasure for a wider consumer group.
UGC: User-generated content, with brand fans as the core, their original word-of-mouth content.
UGC is more like a goal for each brand, a symbol of closer links with consumers in the Internet age. In short, content marketing requires brands to continuously create high-quality BGC and PGC content, while inspiring UGC to achieve growth goals.
2. scene marketing
It is a concept of network marketing, which is formed along with the development of network media. It is a marketing concept based on the PC environment and dismantling analysis based on the online behavior of netizens.
Similar to the disassembly of the offline purchase process, offline marketing divides the crowd into audiences, consumers, experiencers, and communicators based on the entire process (scenario) of the purchase. In the network environment, input scene, search scene and browsing scene are the three main scenes. Aiming at these three scenarios, in the case of fully ensuring the user experience, based on the behavior path of netizens entering information, searching information, obtaining information, and online scenarios, a “interest guidance + mass exposure + entrance marketing + long tail marketing (Word of mouth is built Dissemination) is a new model of online marketing for clues.
This is also the focus of a batch of Internet operations that were nurtured in the earliest markets.
3. Social marketing
In this day and age, the physical status of netizens is also becoming a true “Internet nomad” in combination with people’s consciousness, and more than half of this online nomadic state occurs on social networks, especially nowadays most non-social software networks Products have also added social functions such as community sharing, and also increased the proportion of social networks.
Social marketing, as an important communication position in the marketing promotion part, because the flow of people is in this place, this place is a communication medium that contacts the target population, and social marketing has now risen to become a “necessary to do well” Degree, because for brand and marketing every time, this constitutes both a strategy and a tactic in the whole.
Although marketing communication is working, the communication environment is becoming more and more difficult, so simply relying on an advertisement, or a promotion, or a publicity, or a report, these will be marketing Core elements, but they will not be the only elements.
That ’s all for today.
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